This short article was written by Harry Mottram in 2013
An unusual view of Axbridge Square has come to light thanks to Australian resident Terence Watkins. It shows crowds on Coronation Day in 1952 some 67 years or so ago. It reveals how the square was decked out with bunting and the residents of the town celebrating the coronation of Elizabeth II. It’s the detail as always that’s so interesting. There’s the old Weston bus outside what is now the post office but was then a garage. And the houses the front the Square are shops – stationers amongst them – a street alive with retail activity.
Another fascinating aspect are the clothing of those in the photo. Hats were far more common than they are now. In fact for women hats are rarely worn today outside of special events such as weddings – but then they were worn by many every day – especially for older women. Suits and jackets were more commonly worn by men in their free time – with not a single sweat shirt or hoody in sight.
Email harryfmottram@gmail.com with your memories of the time.
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