With reference to my cycle ride to raise cash for four different charities and become so slim I could take up cat walk modelling (!): As you may know I’ve been badly injured when a motorist crashed into me from behind while cycling last week. I have no recollection of the incident and was knocked out for a long time. I have multiple fractures including those of the pelvis and neck so I must take it steady for a few weeks. As a result I have put back my plan to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats to the end of August – by which time I should be mended. So rest assured the money raised so far is safe – and if you’ve not sponsored me yet there is plenty of time to do so. Thank you for the kind messages of support and to my family for their help. Please back my charity appeal – in Bath it is for Bath Mentoring Plus – a charity that helps troubled young people as well as Bath Food Bank. In Axbridge it is for Cheddar Food Bank and Axbridge Blackberry Carnival – this year on September 21st. The Links: For Bath is its https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/harry-mottram-Bath?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=20240505_ and for Axbridge it is https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/harry-mottram I will be mainly camping and only spending what I would in an average week and I am sponsoring myself as well. My sisters have clubbed together to buy me a new bike as the las one is rather crushed. (The photo is from the Axbridge Pageant drama in which I played Cecil Sharpe in Edwardian England – I will be wearing a helmet don’t worry.)