Every single home in Axbridge was once a new build with some suggesting that perhaps when it comes to development ‘enough is enough.’
Unlike some towns new builds and new estates in Axbridge have been fairly small in size caused in part by the limited land available – squeezed as it is between the Mendips and the Levels.
The latest change to the town’s housing stock is the development of 20 ‘affordable’ homes on one of the few ‘infill’ green spaces left on Cheddar Road.
The builders have been on site since the winter and the first homes are nearing completion.
They are being constructed by Stonewater Housing Association. Sedgemoor District Council have agreed to make a contribution to the costs of this development to provide energy efficient features that will make the dwellings more affordable to live in.
Axbridge Town Council were supportive of the development since it offers an opportunity for those on a lower income and are local to get on the housing ladder and remain in the area. In a statement by the town council on who can apply for one of the affordable homes the council said: “Anyone wishing to be considered for the rented homes must be registered in the homefindersomerset housing register (https://www.homefindersomerset.co.uk) and should do so at the earliest opportunity. Registrations take time to process and length of time on the register is also a factor when there are two or more applicants competing for one property.
“If you are interested in formally bidding for a property in this development, Stonewater Housing Association will be advertising at the appropriate time for applications and will hold a public meeting covering all the affordable homes a few months before the units are ready for occupation to provide an update on the homes and how to bid .
“It is recommended that anyone interested in the shared ownership homes also registers on the Homefinder system and prospective purchasers are also encouraged to contact the Stonewater Shared Ownership team.”
Meanwhile outline planning permission has been given for a site on Houlgate Way for a further 53 homes, 30% of which will be affordable.
Sedgemoor councillors voted the plans through despite opposition from Axbridge Town council.
Objections included the density of the development within the settlement and the fact it lies next to the chicken farm at Townsend.
More homes are planned for the Yeo Valley site outside of the Axbridge parish boundary for 100 new homes, with 15 being affordable.
For more on Axbridge visit http://www.harrymottram.co.uk/axbridge/
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